Lessons from Prayer Time with God

If you’re anything like me, when life gets hectic and there are just not enough hours in a day, something hasprayer time to give. Sadly, that something that gives is often prayer time with God. We have all made excuses from time to time: too busy, too tired, big presentation coming up that I have to work on, kids, or my favorite (and one I’ve used to justify poor prayer time), my whole life is a prayer to God, so why do I need a specific time. The truth is the longer you operate independently of God the less focused you become on what’s truly important. The myriad of social influences everyday detract your mind from God and prevent you from hearing or knowing the plans He has for you this day.

Recently I have been setting aside some time for prayer and devotion and it has made such a difference. Now that’s not to say I didn’t pray before, but this is intentional, specific, time set aside to commune with God. Before I sit down in my office and fire up the computer I grab a little prayer book and my Bible and head to the chapel. I read a hymn (sometimes I’ll sing if I know the tune), recite a prayer, read a Psalm for the day, and then spend a few minutes in prayer. It’s a quiet, intentional time with God and it has made such a difference.

That brings me to some lessons learned from my time with God. First, there are no excuses for a poor prayer life. Even in a day that may be jam packed with appointments there can still be plenty of time for prayer. The key word in this first lesson is: intentional. Prayer time with God has to be intentional or it will never happen. It’s also good to get in a routine, so schedule it on the calendar if needed. Second, prayer time with God keeps your mind clear and your heart focused. A poor prayer life or a lack thereof is an open invitation to fill your mind and heart with anything and that will distract and detract you from God. Intentional prayer provides focus in both heart and mind to hear and discern the will of God. Thirdly, intentional prayer time with God fills you with love and joy for the day. I noticed that when I was not spending intentional time with God my love for God, self, and others was lacking. I also experienced a lack of joy. However, that all changed when I began to spend intentional prayer time with God. It was as if God poured out His love into my life that it had nowhere else to go but into the lives of others. As a result I experienced greater joy in all areas of life.

When you are separated from the source of life you whither up and die. Some of us then are on spiritual life support and have been for some time, but the good news is that full recovery is not that far away. Be intentional about your prayer time with God and don’t be surprised if you experience higher than normal levels of love, joy, and peace . . . those are intended side effects.